Understanding Experts: Working With Them Effectively - Sample


Every organization has its' share of "experts" -- experienced individuals who know a lot about their job. They add a lot of value, but aren't always easy to work with. So, how can we enhance our ability to work with them more effectively? A good starting place is to learn how experts think, common challenges (e.g., they have difficulty unpacking their expertise), and how best to work with them.

We conducted and recorded a 30-minute webinar on this topic. Watch the video and along the way, you'll be guided to gOEbase resources you can use when working with experts.

This webinar also provides an opportunity for you and your team to engage in a construction discussion. View the video together and use the discussion guide to lead a constructive conversation about the type of experts you work with and how best to work with them.

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gOEbase Resources Mentioned in this Webinar